An expanded demonstration of trust in our work

December 30, 2011

We received great news from the printing cooperative network Red Gráfica: next week, they will double the funds they have handed over to La Base Argentina to manage. As we posted previously, this expanding network of printing cooperatives transfered to La Base AR$100 thousand in May for us to manage in loans to be made to member cooperatives. After 7 months of working together, they have seen the benefits of being able to outsource the management of these funds, and decided to transfer another AR$100 thousand next week, since more cooperatives are interested in making use of the funds and for bigger ammounts.
This represents a confirmation of their satisfaction with our work, and a further seal of trust from a community of cooperatives. We look forward to replicating this model with other cooperatives or groups that have funds, so that we at TWW:La Base can expand our impact on cooperatives further.


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