Goal Met at $32,247!

January 9, 2013

We are very excited to share that our campaign to raise funds to continue building a New Era for the US was an incredible success!


Not only did we reach our goal of raising $20,000, we beat it. In the last month and a half, we received $3,547 in individual donations through Causes.com and over $28,700 in large and small donations through the mail.

Our team is extremely grateful for this support. These donations cover a crucial portion of our costs that will allow us to make more projects like New Era Windows in the next years and to continue to put people above capital with zero-debt finance and worker ownership. We will keep growing the community of those who want to see this change and will keep our current members up to date on how things evolve.

In addition to the success of this fundraising campaign, the exposure has brought a number of new investors to our fund who are each loaning us between $10,000 and $100,000 that we can use to lend out over and over to aspiring, worker-controlled enterprises. Investments from people to our fund like there are the crucial step that allows an alternative financial fund to compete on real scale and have real impact in the world.

Thank you all for your fantastic support. We couldn’t do any of this without our community of dedicated people. Together, we can build a New Economy!


Please, join the movement and sign up to stay up to date about our projects this year!




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